I challenged myself to write two limericks a week for a year, based on words suggested to me by readers. Here are four of my favorites. The rest can be found at the Limerick Boutique, here. And if you want a limerick based on a word or idea, send it my way and I'll do my best.
I've a sin that I have to confess.
When I go to the store, I transgress.
I take 12 jugs of wine
Through the line with the sign
That says, “Only 10 items or fewer.”
A vicar, whilst studying cartography
Was enraged by a bit of topography:
“There's no need for a crest
“To be centered on Brest!
“It's not mapping!” he cried, “It's pornography!”
The part of a grain called the “glume”
Is the part that protects the young bloom.
They are also called “bracts.”
You can use these fun facts
To impress someone (don't ask me whom).
A worker in fabric's a sewer.
A fast-moving sewer's a flower.
A flower's a plant,
And a woman who can't
Keep her hands off a rake is a hoer.